Sisters4Prevention Breast Cancer Stories and Survival

The Long Journey to a Breast Cancer Vaccine

August 16, 2021 Judy Fitzgerald
The Long Journey to a Breast Cancer Vaccine
Sisters4Prevention Breast Cancer Stories and Survival
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Sisters4Prevention Breast Cancer Stories and Survival
The Long Journey to a Breast Cancer Vaccine
Aug 16, 2021
Judy Fitzgerald

The Long Journey to a Breast Cancer Vaccine.  Why did it take ten years to get the funding for a preventive breast cancer vaccine?  I was outraged when I discovered in 2010 at the end of my breast cancer treatment that there was a Doctor in Cleveland,  Dr. Vincent Tuohy that had been perfecting a preventive breast cancer vaccine.

I became an advocate for Dr. Tuohy and now serve on the panel for the Phase I Clinical trial to finally bring this vaccine from Bench to Bedside.

Take a look at the long and painful journey to obtain the funding from the federal government and how a 2017 grant will result is a soon to being Phase I Clinical Trial.

Please read all about it on my website:  www.Sisters4Prevention.  There is link there to the listing on  We will begin recruiting patients soon so stay tuned.  Just follow the link below and click on the button at the top.
This podcast is a remake of a Youtube video that can be found at:

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Show Notes

The Long Journey to a Breast Cancer Vaccine.  Why did it take ten years to get the funding for a preventive breast cancer vaccine?  I was outraged when I discovered in 2010 at the end of my breast cancer treatment that there was a Doctor in Cleveland,  Dr. Vincent Tuohy that had been perfecting a preventive breast cancer vaccine.

I became an advocate for Dr. Tuohy and now serve on the panel for the Phase I Clinical trial to finally bring this vaccine from Bench to Bedside.

Take a look at the long and painful journey to obtain the funding from the federal government and how a 2017 grant will result is a soon to being Phase I Clinical Trial.

Please read all about it on my website:  www.Sisters4Prevention.  There is link there to the listing on  We will begin recruiting patients soon so stay tuned.  Just follow the link below and click on the button at the top.
This podcast is a remake of a Youtube video that can be found at:

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