Sisters4Prevention Breast Cancer Stories and Survival

Breast Cancer Vaccine Trial to Prevent Recurrence of Triple Negative Breast Cancer Now Recruiting Patients

Judy Fitzgerald
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00:00 | 12:47

As many of you know, for the past ten years I have been a passionate advocate for what we dubbed, “The Pink Vaccine.“  This vaccine was developed at the Cleveland Clinic in Ohio under the direction of Dr. Vincent Tuohy at the Learner Research Institute.

 For the past four years, I have been honored to serve as a patient advocate for the Phase I clinical trial for Dr. Tuohy’s vaccine. It is with great pleasure and overwhelming excitement, that I can now announce and encourage patients to apply to participate in the Phase I clinical trial. Finally, this vaccine is transitioning from bench to bedside, and will be directed by Dr. Thomas Budd at the Taussig Cancer Center at the Cleveland Clinic. 


To participate in this trial, patients must meet the following criteria:


 Ø      Diagnosed with Triple Negative Breast Cancer


Ø Be Within three years of completing treatment


Ø       NED – confirmed by their oncologist in writing to be No Evidence of Disease


Full details of the trial may be found on

 Those meeting the above criteria for participation may email:

 For more information, you may also visit my website: or email me at 

  I would like to thank everyone who donated or supported me in my advocacy efforts for this vaccine. You have always responded generously with your time and talent. Please know that this milestone in finding a cure for breast cancer by prevention would not have been possible without your love, efforts and support over the last ten years.  Now friends the best is yet to come.  We can finally test this vaccine and hope to Imagine a World Without Breast Cancer and realize that Prevention is the Cure.

 #PinkVaccine    #PreventionIsTheCure   #BreastCancerVaccine  #PreventBreastCancer

 #PrimaryPrevention #StopBreastCancer #WorldWithoutBreastCancer


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